I have signed up to walk the Great Wall of China for Alder Hey!!! 😮😮😮
It will mean leaving my family for 9 days, and the walk is for 5 days, but I am really very excited!!
I don't really expect people to understand why I'm doing this! Leaving my family for a day is hard enough, but leaving them for 9 days will be very tough! Much more tougher than walking the wall of China and tougher than walking the 2000 steps up the heavenly ladder!!
I imagine there is some concern over daddy having to run the household for 9 days too, but I honestly think he will be fine! I will fill the freezer up with ready meals and the kids will be at school for most of the time so he will only really have Aydan!
If Aydan isn't very well then of course I won't do it! My family do come before a walk any day!
But you know when something just calls out to you and you think that you really have to do it?!
There I was stood in the Alder hey corridor eating a pasty and looking at the poster like I had won the lottery! I mean let's face it! How often do opportunities like this come up?!
The aim is to raise a minimum of £3000 for them! I'm pretty certain I can do it! I've raised nearly £1.5k for the Ronald McDonald house, so I'm sure I can do this!!
If anyone is reading this and happens to really want to sponsor me and help other children in the future then please do so by clicking on this link! :0)
Here is some pics of what I will be doing!
And just throwing this in too because Karl pilkington responded to me and that is totally awesome!! :0)