Sunday, 24 February 2013

1st February 2013


Another day, yet more bad news :0(

Aydan's neurologist has taken me into a side room to talk to me about his recent MRI scan.

It seems that Aydan has lost a lot of brain mass from the previous MRI they did 2 weeks ago, and they believe this to be conclusive of cerebral atrophy. :'0(

Basically it means that his brain has wasted away and shrunk quite a lot.

This means that he is a lot more brain damaged than we first originally thought, and sadly there is no cure for it, we can only hope it improves with time.

I was initially upset over this news, but when I went to see him again he was smiling his head off and cooing at Peppa Pig.

At the end of the day so long as he is HAPPY then that is all that matters to me! :0)

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