Sunday, 24 February 2013

23rd January 2013

Well that nurse was back again last night :0(

and guess what?! she put him BACK on cooling again, despite the nurse sticking up for me last night and asking her not to!!!

his hand and feet are back to ice blocks, and reading a temp of 25 degrees Celsius, and his core temp was right up to 39*

Now that might sound confusing to some people reading this, but if you cool someone too quick and too much, first off you get your hands and feet going cold, which sucks the blood away to your core making your core temperature higher, and secondly if its constantly cooling you, when you go below your bodies normal temperature, your body then starts to fight the cold and makes it hotter to compensate.

I hope that made sense!!

Anyway, that is the first time I have ever had to complain about a nurse, and I have asked that she never looks after Aydan again.

I'm sorry, but making a child lay on something that feels like a block of ice is just cruel, and bordering child abuse in my eyes!! it wasn't necessary!!

I was asked if I wanted to put in a formal complaint, but I said that as long as she doesn't have Aydan again then I wont bother.

I have also requested that Aydan is to be taken off the cooling mattress altogether, because my theory is that his temperature will never be 'normal' if he doesn't learn how to control his own temp again.

So far going well.

He's spiked temps of around 39 all day, but paracetamol has helped dramatically keeping it down.


Aydan got a haircut today...

but don't worry folks it WILL grow back!!

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