Friday, 11 January 2013

24th December 2012

So just when things start to look better, another blow takes you down again.

Aydan's left lung is getting worse, and we've been told that the blood clots haven't disappeared from around his lung after all.

They have decided that they have no choice but to operate.

Trying to put a brave face on for my kids was truly difficult. All I kept thinking about was how close it was to Christmas, how would I be able to function if something happened to him so close to Christmas? I wouldn't be able to put on a brave face for my other children. there's a limit to how much I can act!

Yeah, I come across as a strong woman, I might look like I'm made of hard stuff, but inside I feel every bit of pain and worry that everyone else does.

The operation took around 3 hours to do.

The whole ward had to be shut down for this time... Again...

Aydan survived the operation, but because of the heparin he needed to be on the ECMO machine he was bleeding really heavily from his chest drains.

What they removed from his lungs was truly awful!

It was no wonder his left lung wasn't recovering!!

I have a photo here:¤t=7BA5542C-7EF7-401B-8578-754D79C703ED-6741-0000096D0279F8F6.jpg&evt=user_media_share

I haven't posted it directly on to here because its pretty awful and might make people feel sick.

You have been warned!!

This was only a tiny amount of what they got off, and his whole lung was covered in the same awful stuff!!

No sleep for me tonight!

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