Friday, 11 January 2013

9th December 2012

Today Aydan was given a dose of a special medicine called surfactant.

Now you may be wondering why I have taken a picture of this moment, but apparently this medicine costs a lot of money!

This one syringe of medicine cost nearly £3000!!!

Apparently its a chemical that is naturally produced in the lungs, and it helps stop your lungs from fully deflating every time you breathe out.

Imagine blowing up a balloon. The first breathe you blow in is really difficult.

If you let the balloon go down again, the first breathe is difficult again.

But the SECOND breathe is so much more easier to do.

That's what the surfactant does, it kinda keeps the first breathe in, and makes the second one easier :0) (I hope that made sense!!)

So here's the pic to remember this event...

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