Saturday, 12 January 2013

31st December 2012

You've heard about them, those phone calls at 1.30am in the morning. That can only mean one thing, something really bad has happened.

Mike woke me from a deep sleep, so I had to get up and answer the phone.

Aydan had taken a turn for the worse, his temp had shot up to 42 degrees, and his pulse and heart rate were jumping up and down. The nurse said that he came very close to having a cardiac arrest but they managed to get some emergency medicine into him ASAP and things were looking very unstable.

I didn't hear half the phone call, but once I put the phone down I ended up having a massive panic attack that lasted for hours! My bowls evacuated themselves (on the loo of course!!) and my legs felt like jelly and I could hardly move! Each slight noise sent more adrenaline running through my body and I felt worse and worse.

I managed to get a few hours sleep, not through choice you understand, because I had to! I wanted to be with Aydan but my body physically wouldn't let me!

When I went to see him in the morning things had stabilised a lot more, and they were in the process of changing all
His old cannulas for brand new ones, just incase any of them were causing an infection.

They had to put him back on an oscillator as his CO2 levels were quite high, an they just wanted to be safe.

On the plus side his chest drains are hardly leaking any blood at all, and he's only losing around 15mls an hour!!!

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