Monday, 9 April 2012

16th March 2012

I was on the phone to the Doctors first thing this morning. It's like a battle to get an appointment first. You call, it's busy, you hang up and hit redial right away! They have a limited amount of appointments to give out each morning, and if you're not quick enough you end up having to wait to do the same again at dinner time, or you make an actual appointment, which can then be a week or even two weeks before you get to see somebody. I wasn't taking my chances!!

I was over the moon when they said Aydan had an appointment with my favourite Doctor!

When we went in to see him, he made a point of saying hello to each one of my children before saying hello to me, I liked that, most doctors these days just seem to grunt at you and then throw you out a few minutes later! it must be a completely unrewarding, boring, job.

After a thorough examination, the Doctor came to the conclusion that it was most likely to be his ears. It turned out that Aydan had got an ear infection and that what was probably happening was that he was hearing those horrible popping noises you get when your ears start to clear, and that noise was probably what was scaring my little man so much!

I did ask if he thought it was a seizure, but he did say that even if it was, that a one off didn't necessarily  mean anything and that children can sometimes get one off seizures anyway.

I was happy with this diagnosis, having had numerous ear infections in the past I know only too well how nasty they can be!!

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