Today Aydan had to go and visit his new consultant and Leighton Hospital.
The consultant was really pleased with how well he has been doing with his medication, and has given us a special letter which means that if Aydan has a couple of seizures, or a really bad seizure that we can take him straight to the Paed ward rather than go through the doctors or A&E as they probably wouldn't know what to do with his condition anyway!
We discussed briefly a few things that may happen in the future, but for now it's playing the waiting game.
We are still awaiting the results from his genetic blood test, but that could be ages yet.
Aydan typically had a seizure around 4pm, but as it was only a very mild one and just the one cluster then we didn't worry about it! It's if he gets a couple of clusters in a few days that we have to take him back to the ward to review his medication.
As he is doing really well at the moment I am keeping everything crossed that he remains to do so well!
Fingers crossed for him :) xx